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Books: The Inner Conversation of Humanity

una noia està llegint un llibre davant d'una prestatgeria plena de llibres i mira la càmera, Elinor Proby Adams, manga, retrat de personatges, esteticisme

The Value of Books in Personal Life

When I think of “the books that accompany me,” my mind goes not directly to the pages I’ve written, but to those I’ve devoured with passion. The books I have read and re-read become companions at crucial moments in my existence. Others may call them differently, but for me, they are sources of inspiration and reflection, essential components of my identity.

Intelligence as an open book

Intelligence is an elusive concept, difficult to define. It is not about precision, but about highlighting its potential. This ability permeates within us, and it is urgent to keep it active. And how do we do it? Through incessant reading. The books that resonate most with me have been those rescued from the shadows: the works that have taught me to think critically and to question myself. As Balzac said, intelligence can only provide for itself.

Building Our Own Literary Castle

Even if they use books that they consider essential, it is a personal process. Each reader weaves his own literary panorama as if it were a castle. In this shared activity, both author and reader become magnificent artists, where works are constantly revisited, and their meaning varies with each reader.

The Mystery of Literary Interpretation

The books highlight the complexity of human nature and its contradictions. They speak to each of us uniquely. A work like ‘Madame Bovary’ does not represent the same for every reader, and it is this potential for multiple readings that enriches literature. Flaubert caught this, and his statement about identification with the character reflects this truth.

Characters that Resilient and Educate

Kafka’s Gregor Samsa represents a fascinating archetype that has provoked diverse readings and endless analysis. Their story intertwines with our lives, forcing us to examine our own experiences of transformation and identity. Through his puzzling narrative, I found myself reflecting on my uniqueness, deep questions that leave the pages and accompany me day after day.

An Endless Literary Journey

My literary exploration has no limits, because each author and each work offers me new perspectives. The classical legacy, from Lao Tse to Flaubert and Woolf, is a constant gift, a well of knowledge that teaches me to see the world as a field of discovery.

The Joy of Reading: An Incomparable Pleasure

To live surrounded by books is to live surrounded by true allies. Literature may not always be a symbol of happiness at first glance, but I have learned to quickly spot those books that do not add anything to my life. The moment to close a book that does not appeal to me is also an act of respect towards myself.

Conclusion: Celebrating Reading in Daily Life

Excited with each new read, my passion for literature only grows with time, no matter how trivial someone considers it. Looking back, I realize that reading has been one of my greatest assets. And so, taking advantage of every summer, I dive once more into this ocean of possibilities that are books. Let the summer be a period of continuous literary discovery.

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