Inici » Gran Hermano Dúo’s unusual ending: Telecinco postpones the verdict due to problems with the app

Gran Hermano Dúo’s unusual ending: Telecinco postpones the verdict due to problems with the app


The network cannot announce the winner of the edition because the application to vote from home is out of service

Gran Hermano Dúo has experienced one of the strangest and most controversial endings of its career. Telecinco has not been able to announce the name of the winner of the edition because the application to vote from home has stopped working. After spending the whole night with technical incidents, the chain has decided to postpone the verdict and call a new gala for this Sunday. The presenter, Marta Flich, had to apologize to the viewers and the finalists, who were stunned by the situation.

A very tight result between the two finalists

The only thing they have been able to reveal is the name of the third place finisher, which was Manuel, to the surprise of many. This left Asraf and Lucía as finalists, who faced a very close vote. According to the latest percentages, only 0.1% separated them. Therefore, the fairest thing would have been to declare them winners ex aequo. But Telecinco has opted for another solution: restart the voting and wait for the app to recover.

The app crashes again and Telecinco postpones the verdict

But the app has not withstood the pressure of the thousands of voters who wanted to decide the winner of Gran Hermano Dúo. After a while, the app crashed again, leaving no reliable data in the chain. Marta Flich had to communicate the bad news to the spectators and the finalists, who could not believe what was happening. The presenter tried to justify herself by saying that it was a historic and crowded final, which had exceeded all expectations. But the truth is that Telecinco has made a fool of itself and disappointed all the fans of the reality show.

The outrage of viewers on social networks

Social media has been an outcry against Telecinco’s decision to postpone the verdict. Many viewers have accused the channel of making a montage, a scam or a scam. They have also criticized that they wasted their time with a final that made no sense. Some have called for the return of the Big Brother of yesteryear, the real one. Others have expressed their rejection of Telecinco, which they have described as a shame.

The (second) grand final of Gran Hermano Dúo, this Sunday

Now we have to see if this controversy affects the audience of the (second) grand finale of Gran Hermano Dúo, which will be held this Sunday. Spectators will be able to vote until then, and then the name of the winner of the edition will be known, after this unusual parenthesis. Asraf or Lucia? Who will take the GH Duo crown?

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