Inici » Medicine in the Roman Empire: a look at the past

Medicine in the Roman Empire: a look at the past

una taula llarga amb un munt d'objectes davant d'un cartell i uns quants objectes més a la taula, Enguerrand Quarton, joies, un gravat, moviment d'artesania

Discovering the past of medicine

Every now and then, we find little gems, real treasures of knowledge, completely unexpectedly…

Medicine through historical fiction

Historical fiction books have been a popular source for learning about the adventures and misadventures of shamans and healers at different times in human history…

Medicine in the Roman Empire: contributions and customs

The Roman Empire introduced methods and systems into medical practice, bringing order where there was disorganization…

A look at the past with a modern perspective

Although we have made great advances in health technology, more effective medicines, surgery, hygiene and prevention in the last 2,000 years, many of the medical and health customs of the Roman Empire are still recognizable today…

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