Inici » The Independence of the Catalan Nation

The Independence of the Catalan Nation


A difficult but necessary goal

In 2017 we learned that the independence of the Catalan Nation will be more complex to achieve than many people thought, but also more necessary than many people considered.

Since then, we have learned almost nothing new in this area. We already knew most of the events that took place. We have seen them again with the patience of an old independentism, which has been able to build a social majority with tenacity and cunning; with the silence of those who know with historical accuracy that internal conflicts are obstacles that must be overcome with time.

The impossibility of a match

We already knew that there is no possibility of a decent Catalanity in a mononational culture like Spain. We also knew that the only offer that Spain makes to the Catalans is that they dissolve within an archaic, obsolete and thunderous Spanishness.

Likewise, we have noted that the Spanish State neither wants nor can defend the interests of the citizens of the Catalan Nation. The maximum that Spain can offer the Catalans is far from the minimum they need to survive.

The rejection and hatred of the Spanish elite

We have seen that the Spanish elite hate the Catalans and use this hatred in the same way that authoritarian regimes use minorities as scapegoats.

Justice and the Spanish State

We have found that Spanish justice is very Spanish and very unfair. The Spanish State is not only incapable of defending the interests of the Catalans, but its only survival plan is to continue exploiting and stealing from the citizens of the Catalan Countries.

The fight for the officialdom of the Catalan language

We have noticed that the Spanish State does not serve us even to obtain the official status of our language in the European Union. A Catalan State would achieve it in a second.

Independence as the only option

The list is long and endless. But despite everything, we already knew that Independence is very difficult… and yet, it is the only possible option.

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