Inici » Death of Tomás de Zumalakarregi and Imaz during the First Carlist War

Death of Tomás de Zumalakarregi and Imaz during the First Carlist War

pintura d'un home d'uniforme amb bigoti i bigoti amb bigoti, amb barret negre i vestit blau, Carlos Francisco Chang Marín, ignacio fernandez rios, retrat d'un personatge, realisme clàssic

Historical context

On June 23, 1835, in Zegama (Guipúzcoa), during the First Carlist War (1833-1840), Tomás de Zumalakarregi e Imaz, general of the northern Carlist army, died. At that moment, Zumalakarregi was on the balcony of a building, supervising the movements of his troops as they laid siege to Bilbao.

According to the official version, Zumalakarregi was hit by a ricocheting bullet that caused a bleeding wound in his leg. He was evacuated to the royal barracks of Carlos de Borbón in Durango, transported on a requisitioned sofa and on the shoulders of Carlist volunteers. However, upon arriving at the barracks, Zumalakarregi refused to be treated by the chamber doctor and requested to be transferred to Zegama, 60 kilometers away.

After a long journey, they arrived at Zegama, where Zumalakarregi was treated by a trusted rural healer. Unfortunately, the infection was already very advanced and nothing could be done to stop it. On June 23, 1835, at six in the evening, Zumalakarregi died due to septicemia.

Mystery and speculation

Zumalakarregi’s death generated an aura of mystery. Many wondered how a bullet fired from such a far distance could cause such a serious injury. Furthermore, it was surprising that Carlos de Borbón, the Carlist claimant, refused to attend the funeral of his most victorious general.

Rumors quickly began to circulate that Zumalakarregi had been the victim of a conspiracy within the Carlist ranks, hatched by anti-foralist officers. These rumors had a devastating effect on the morale of the Carlist army.

Legacy of Zumalakarregi

Tomás de Zumalakarregi was one of the most prominent soldiers in the conflict in northern Spain during the I Carlist War. Despite not having gone through a military academy, he managed to defeat professionals like Espartero and Espoz y Mina. His death left a void in the Carlist army and his figure continues to be remembered to this day.

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