Inici » An Innovative Emotional Support Service in the Generalitat de Catalunya

An Innovative Emotional Support Service in the Generalitat de Catalunya

un home amb un telèfon mòbil amb un compte de Facebook i un quadern al fons amb el perfil d'una persona a la pantalla, Fedot Sychkov, captura de pantalla, una foto d'estoc, arbeitsrat für kunst

An Innovative Solution for Difficult Times

Many times, we find ourselves in complicated situations where we wish to access professional help discreetly. To prevent this from becoming an obstacle, the Generalitat de Catalunya has launched a pioneering service called ‘Obro feel’ which has already been used by almost 900 people. This service, activated in November 2023, offers emotional support through Whatsapp, turning this application into much more than a simple instant messaging tool.

How does ‘Obro feel’ work?

The service is available 24 hours a day and allows young people to contact for emotional support, accompaniment and guidance. They simply need to add the number 680 354 155 to their phone contacts and start a conversation through the Whatsapp application. A volunteer from the Ajuda i Esperança Foundation, specialized in empathic listening and emotional management, offers personalized support. If immediate medical attention is needed, the case is referred to the Medical Emergency System team. This collaboration is part of the interdepartmental and intersectoral action of the Suicide Prevention Plan of Catalonia.

A Safe and Welcoming Space

Service managers emphasize that ‘Obro feel’ provides an accessible, intimate, safe and judgment-free space where young people can openly express their concerns. Since its launch, 899 users have been served, with whom around 55,000 messages have been exchanged. The problems expressed have addressed issues such as relational problems, depression, suicidal ideation, eating disorders, among others.

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