Inici » Domma: The Leading Company in Wellness and Health for Mature Women

Domma: The Leading Company in Wellness and Health for Mature Women

tres dones una al costat de l'altra sostenint una placa de premi a les mans i somrient a la càmera amb les paraules glamvoe a la paret darrere d'elles, Frances Jetter, premi, una escultura de bronze, escola de Barbizon

Recognition in the Competitive Domma Task

Menopause is a vital stage in the life of many women, characterized by various discomforts. To help them face this transition, several companies have developed specific products. One of these companies, the Catalan Domma, has recently been recognized with the prize for the most competitive micro-SME in the framework of the SME Awards. This award was presented on the occasion of the 37th edition of the SME Awards, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of PIMEC, the employers’ association for small and medium-sized Catalan companies.

Support for More than 10,000 Women and Growing Digital Community

According to Domma, more than 10,000 women have already received support from the company to cope with the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause, thereby improving their health and quality of life. In addition, the company has launched a digital community dedicated to climacteric and female maturity, with more than 125,000 participants. With the aim of empowering women at this stage of their lives, Domma plans to expand the community to reach 200,000 users before the end of the year.

Leadership in Research and Product Development

Founded in Barcelona in October 2021, Domma is a pioneer in the well-being and health of mature women. The company, led by Cristina Martínez and Mireia Roca, has become a benchmark in menopause research, treatment and support. Backed by scientific research, Domma develops natural products without hormones or chemicals to alleviate the physical and emotional symptoms of menopause.

Wide Portfolio of Innovative Products

The Domma catalog includes a range of nutraceuticals that offer innovative solutions for women at this stage of their lives. From superfood and adaptogen combinations in powders and capsules to relaxing infusions, the company offers a variety of options to address menopausal symptoms and improve the physical and emotional well-being of mature women.

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