Inici » Puigcerdà revisits the future of urban mobility: Elevator or innovation?

Puigcerdà revisits the future of urban mobility: Elevator or innovation?

una casa grande con un par de personas paradas en los balcones y algunos árboles frente a ella, Enguerrand Quarton, vista posterior, una pintura mate detallada, movimiento artístico y artesanal

The change that will make the difference

The recent Puigcerdà government team has decided to rethink the future of the inclined lift, revoking the previous decision to replace the current cabin with escalators. They claim that the current situation, with frequent breakdowns, is unsustainable for citizens.

Municipal expenses and inconvenience for residents

Periodic elevator breakdowns share a significant economic and logistical burden. The repairs, which require spare parts from Italy, generate additional costs for the city council and affect access to the center, creating inconvenience for residents and invalidating the deterrent car parks at the Renfe station.

Return to the past: Studying alternatives

Two years ago, the previous government considered escalators as an alternative to the current system. However, the current government team has ruled out this option and is reviewing other possible solutions. The Mayor, Jordi Gassio, has declared: “We will study several options, since the elevator, despite its age, is crucial for residents. Change is inevitable, and we will work to find the best solution for the city” .

Urban vitality: The elevator and its importance

With more than two decades of service, Puigcerdà’s inclined lift is a fundamental part of urban mobility, connecting the lower part with the old town. Statistics reveal an impressive average usage of 80,000 travelers per month, reflecting the high demand, especially during the tourist months.

In conclusion, the future of mobility in Puigcerdà is at a crossroads. The elevator, despite its breakdowns, is an indispensable part of the daily life of the residents. The government team is committed to finding the best solution that guarantees the continuity of this vital service for the city.

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