Inici » Refuge and Risk: Criticism of the New European Migration Pact

Refuge and Risk: Criticism of the New European Migration Pact


Risk Alert for Refugees

The Catalan Commission for Asylum Action (CCAR) has expressed clear concern about the possible dangers that the recent European migration pact could represent for people seeking refuge. After years of negotiations, the European Parliament has given its approval to this agreement, but the entity has issued a warning about its implications.

Instead of seeing the pact as a solution, the CCAR sees it as an element that can further complicate the already difficult situation of refugees. They argue that the new asylum conditions and the measures to strengthen the borders may endanger the safety and fundamental rights of this group.

Lack of Reference to Inclusion Programs

One of the points that most attracts the attention of the CCAR is the lack of reference to inclusion and integration programs for refugees within the pact. They consider that this shows a lack of consideration towards the reality of these people, since no strategies are planned to help them adapt to their new life in Europe.

Commercialization of Refugee Life

The organization also criticizes the mercantilist aspect of the pact, which allows countries to pay to avoid their responsibility in hosting migrants. This, according to the CCAR, reduces refugees to mere coins of an exchange, without taking into account their human needs and their rights.

Controversial Border Measures

Another source of concern are border measures covered by the pact, such as the detention of asylum seekers before they can complete their application. This, according to the organization, not only violates their rights but also increases the risks of being deported without a proper review of their cases.

Discrimination and Accelerated Procedures

The CCAR denounces the discriminatory provisions of the pact, such as the denial of applications based on the country of origin or the application of accelerated procedures based on unclear statistics. They claim that this violates the principles of equality and the right to an individualized review of each case.

Different Reactions and Perspectives

Opinions on the pact are diverse. While some MEPs see it as a positive step towards a more cohesive migration policy, others express concern about its limitations and possible negative consequences for refugees.

Rejection and Defense of the Pact

There are those, like the Liberal MEP Fabienne Keller, who see the pact as a significant step forward, even though they acknowledge that it will not solve all the problems. On the other hand, there are critics such as that of MEP Malin Björk of the Left, who believes that it does not address the essential issues and may contribute to a more dehumanized view of migrants.

Uncertain Future and Need for Review

Despite the differences of opinion, it is clear that the pact does not end the debate on migration policy in the EU. Organizations and lawmakers will continue to debate and lobby to ensure that future policies take into account the human rights and needs of refugees, while maintaining a balanced view of the challenges and opportunities that migration brings.

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