Inici » Young people’s concern for the environment and food waste

Young people’s concern for the environment and food waste

una persona que sosté un telèfon davant d'un munt de fruites i verdures que hi ha sobre una taula amb un cartell que diu proposta, Dahlov Ipcar, fotografia professional d'aliments, una foto d'estoc, neoplasticisme

A growing concern

Awareness of food waste and its impact on climate change is a growing concern in today’s society. Young people, in particular, are increasingly aware of this issue.

According to a recent study carried out by Too Good To Go, a company committed to the fight against food waste, 80% of young students in Spain between the ages of 18 and 25 consider it essential to avoid wasting food in order to curb climate change. This data shows that young people are becoming aware of the importance of preserving the environment through the reduction of food waste.

Food waste and its impact

Food waste has a significant impact on the environment. When food is thrown away, natural resources such as water and land are wasted. It is estimated that 24% of the water used to produce food is wasted and 30% of cultivated land is used for products that will never be consumed. In addition, this problem contributes to even 10% of the emissions of gases with a greenhouse effect at a global level. This is why addressing food waste is a fundamental issue for the preservation of the environment.

Young people’s concern for the future of the planet

The study carried out also reveals that 63.6% of young people are worried about the future of the planet and sustainability. These young people believe that tackling food waste is a key issue to ensure a greener future. This shows that young people are becoming aware of the importance of preserving the environment and are willing to take action to achieve it.

The relationship between food waste and personal finances

In addition to environmental concerns, the growing awareness of food waste is also related to the personal finances of young people. The survey shows that 84% of students lack money to be able to eat well at the end of the month. This has led young people to look for alternatives to cover their basic needs and to pay more attention to avoid food waste. This trend reflects the need to take a responsible approach to preserving the environment and taking care of your pocket.

Young people’s perception of the actions of governments and administrations

The study also reveals the perception of young people about the actions of governments and administrations in relation to food waste. 74.3% of students believe that administrations are not doing enough to address this problem and that more action and commitment is needed. This highlights the importance of collaboration between all parties involved in the value chain, from producers to consumers, to achieve the goal of reducing food waste.


In short, young people’s concern for the environment and food waste is growing. These young people are becoming aware of the importance of preserving the environment and are ready to take action to achieve it. It is essential that all parties involved work together to reduce food waste and preserve our planet for future generations.

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