Inici » Access to Housing: A Constitutionally Recognized Right

Access to Housing: A Constitutionally Recognized Right

un home amb un vestit vermell i negre i una creu al coll i una jaqueta negra a les espatlles, Arthur Sarkissian, ignacio fernandez rios, un barroc flamenc, incoherents

The Right to Housing as a Social Priority

The Archbishop of Barcelona, ​​Cardinal Joan Josep Omella, has emphasized the need for ‘coordinated action’ on the part of administrations, entities and citizens to guarantee that access to housing does not become a ‘nightmare’. In his recent ‘Sunday Letter’, Omella has expressed his concern about the difficulty that many people, especially young people, face in accessing housing due to excessive prices in both rentals and property purchases. Furthermore, he has regretted the evictions, which sometimes have tragic consequences, and has urged all sectors of society to take ‘effective action in favor of this fundamental human right.’

The Importance of a Decent Home

Omella has stressed that having a home is essential for a dignified life, referring to a report by Cáritas Diocesana of Barcelona that reveals that three out of every four households accompanied by the entity do not have housing in good condition. Likewise, the report indicates that two out of every five people in the diocese of Barcelona face difficulties related to residential exclusion. Faced with this reality, the archbishop has called for making the right to housing effective through practical measures that involve all sectors of society.

Reflections on Human Rights

In his Sunday letter, Omella has reflected on the rights and duties of people, highlighting that in the search for the common good, these rights are not only individual, but also social. She has placed housing as one of the rights necessary to maintain a true human life, along with food, work, education, access to culture, health, transportation, the free circulation of information and freedom. religious.

Challenges for Youth

The difficulty of accessing housing especially affects young people, who often fail to achieve the economic stability necessary to form their own home. A study by the Spanish Youth Council and the NGO Oxfam Intermón has highlighted that more than half of young people with economic difficulties in Spain face mental health problems, with unemployment, job insecurity and the housing crisis being some of their problems. main concerns.

Local Initiatives and Challenges

In Barcelona, ​​the City Council has announced a shock plan to address the problem of access to housing, with the aim of recovering 10,000 homes that are currently intended for tourist rental by 2029. However, the effectiveness of these measures has yet to be achieved. be proven, and there are conflicting opinions about its feasibility and scope.

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