Inici » Andy and his independent life

Andy and his independent life

un home assegut a una taula amb un plat de menjar al davant i un bol de sopa al fons, Byeon Sang-byeok, fotografia professional de menjar, una foto d'estoc, les automatistes

Andy and his independent life

Andy is a man who moved out of his parents’ house more than 20 years ago and has built an independent life. He is an autonomous person who performs household tasks without the need to ask for permission or receive orders. This independence allows her to wash the dishes, go shopping and manage her responsibilities without restrictions.

Andy’s activism

As well as being an independent person, Andy is a committed activist. As an activist, he participates in human rights assemblies, where he expresses his opinions and defends the rights of people with disabilities. He also contributes to the digital newspaper Èxit21, where he writes about issues related to inclusion and the rights of people with disabilities.

His family and his legacy

Andy comes from a family with a strong social commitment. His father, Ramon Trias y Fargas, was a renowned politician who contributed to the creation of the LISMI law, a law that improved the rights of people with disabilities. His mother, Montserrat Trueta, founded the Catalan Down Syndrome Foundation and was recognized for her work in the inclusion of people with disabilities ( Catalan/).

The fight for inclusion

Andy is aware that there is still a lot of discrimination against people with disabilities and this outrages him. He remembers how, when he was a child, society treated people with disabilities unfairly. Despite the advances, there are still media outlets that perpetuate stereotypes and misinformation about disability. Andy believes it is important to work for a more inclusive society and eliminate discrimination. It demands that people with disabilities be treated with respect and that they be given the opportunity to be an active part of society.

Its commitment to inclusion

Andy has dedicated part of his life to promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities. He has worked in several companies, including FC Barcelona, ​​demonstrating that people with disabilities can have a full professional life. In addition, she has written a book about her experience to inspire other people with disabilities and their families. He is also working on a new book about Down syndrome, which he has created together with his partner, Eva.

Andy’s future

Andy continues to work as an activist and advocate for the rights of people with disabilities. He is committed to continuing to fight for a more inclusive society and to give a voice to people with disabilities. Through his work and his commitment, Andy is making a difference in the lives of many people and contributing to a fairer and more equal world.

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