Inici » Carles Puigdemont denounces the politicization of judges

Carles Puigdemont denounces the politicization of judges

un home amb vestit i corbata mirant la càmera amb una mirada seriosa a la cara i les espatlles, Arthur B. Carles, tret al cap, un retrat, plasticien

The president in exile, Carles Puigdemont, denounces the politicization of judges

The president-in-exile, Carles Puigdemont, has been forceful about knowing the compromising audios of judge Joaquín Aguirre. Carles Puigdemont has sentenced in a message on X, former Twitter, that “when judges make politics from their position and use it to subvert the rule of law, that has a name. And you will find it in the Penal Code”. Puigdemont refers to prevarication. Carles Puigdemont’s lawyer, Gonzalo Boye, already announced a little more than a week ago a complaint against the judge in the Volhov case for prevarication following the opening of a separate piece in which Puigdemont is accused of treason and embezzlement, Mas, Alay, Artadi and a dozen other people.

Judge Aguirre’s compromising audios

Judge Aguirre’s audios, which have been published by Canal Red, show the judge’s political bias. In these audios, you can hear how Aguirre assures that the amnesty will be the grave of the government of Pedro Sánchez and how he was the one who rejected the first opinion of the amnesty law. In addition, in another recording, the judge attributes the failure of the text of the amnesty law that was brought to the full Congress.

The complaint of Carles Puigdemont

Carles Puigdemont, through a message to X, has denounced the politicization of judges and has stated that when they use their position to subvert the rule of law, this is prevarication. Puigdemont’s lawyer, Gonzalo Boye, has already announced a lawsuit against the judge in the Volhov case for prevarication. This lawsuit accuses Puigdemont, Mas, Alay, Artadi and others of treason and embezzlement.

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