Inici » Carles Puigdemont will return to Catalonia for the investiture despite the arrest warrant

Carles Puigdemont will return to Catalonia for the investiture despite the arrest warrant

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The return of Carles Puigdemont

The president-in-exile Carles Puigdemont has confirmed his intention to return to Catalonia for the investiture, despite the arrest warrant against him. This decision has been ratified by the top officials of Junts per Catalunya, who have reaffirmed their commitment to the return of the president. Despite the arrest warrants issued by the Supreme Court, Puigdemont maintains his determination to participate in the plenary session and exercise his duties as president. This shows his courage and his dedication to the cause of Catalonia.

The reaction of Together for Catalonia

The spokesman for Junts per Catalunya, Josep Rius, has reiterated President Puigdemont’s commitment to return for the investiture. Rius emphasized that the commitments of Junts and the president remain, and recalled that this decision had already been expressed previously. In addition, he pointed out that the arrest warrants of the Supreme Court will not affect the plans of Junts per Catalunya and that they will continue to work to achieve a pro-independence government with Puigdemont at the helm.

The decision of the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court has upheld the arrest warrants against Carles Puigdemont and other members of the exile, despite criticism and accusations of violations of the rule of law. This decision has been considered serious by Junts per Catalunya, which has denounced the lack of separation of powers in the Spanish State. According to Rius, this situation is an exception within the European Union and highlights the subjective interpretation of the law by four judges. He also highlighted Puigdemont’s tweet, where he referred to ‘La Toga Nostra’, as an eloquent expression of his criticism of the judicial system.

The unity of independence

Rius emphasized the importance of the unity of independence and considered the meeting between Puigdemont and Oriol Junqueras as good news. According to him, this meeting demonstrates the will to work together to achieve the goals of independence. Rius has reiterated his confidence in discreet negotiations for the investiture and has stated that the aim is to form an independence government with Puigdemont as president, without having to ask permission from Madrid to make decisions that affect Catalonia.

Puigdemont’s commitment

Jordi Turull, general secretary of Junts per Catalunya, has also reaffirmed Carles Puigdemont’s commitment to return to Catalonia for the investiture. Turull has criticized the decision of the Supreme Court not to amnesty the embezzlement and to maintain the arrest warrants. According to him, this decision is clearly political and violates the spirit of the law and the rule of law. Turull has denounced a coup in the State and has stated that Puigdemont is ready to return, whoever is the candidate for the investiture.

The defense of the amnesty law

Rius highlighted the importance of the amnesty law and criticized the Supreme Court’s interpretation. According to him, this decision is an example of how a few judges reinterpret a clear law. He affirmed that the Spanish State is an exception within the European Union and denounced the lack of separation of powers. Rius has defended Puigdemont’s tweet about ‘La Toga Nostra’ as an eloquent expression of his criticism of the judicial system.

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