Inici » Conflict in Madrid: Complaint for Data Leaking of the Illegal Works File

Conflict in Madrid: Complaint for Data Leaking of the Illegal Works File

una dona amb vestit i corbata davant d'un edifici amb altres persones al fons amb mascaretes, Eva Gonzalès, ex machina, un retrat, incoherents

Complaint for Data Leaking of the Illegal Works File

Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s partner, Alberto González Amador, has filed a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) against the Madrid City Council, accusing it of disclosing information from the file of illegal works carried out in the apartment he shares with Ayuso in the Madrid neighborhood of Chamberí in 2022.

As reported by El Debate, González Amador alleges in the complaint that the full content of the report with details about his property, to which he has not yet had full access despite being the direct interested party, was leaked to several journalists and members of the PSOE and Más Madrid, failing to comply with personal data protection laws. For this reason, he requests the AEPD to initiate an investigation into the events.

Alleged Improper Actions and Controversy

Ayuso’s partner and their lawyers suspect that several members of Martínez Almeida’s government improperly accessed details about permits, actions and responsible statements related to the apartment shared by the president of the Community of Madrid. Subsequently, this information would have been disseminated with the aim of damaging Ayuso’s public image. Furthermore, it is alleged that several journalists accessed the file before the legitimate recipient.

The construction file for Ayuso and her partner’s apartment has been the subject of controversy since González Amador was linked to an alleged corruption case. It was revealed that the renovation of the property was carried out without a license, as reported by Somos Madrid and confirmed by the Madrid city council at the end of May. Although the Madrid council issued orders to stop the work, it continued.

Complaints and Political Debate

The case of Ayuso and her partner’s flat has generated an intense political debate in Madrid. Recently, the socialist group in the Madrid city council filed a complaint with the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Provincial Court against the deputy mayor of the capital, Inma Sanz, for a possible disclosure of secrets during an intervention in the plenary session of the city council. This arose from a complaint by the PSOE after receiving an incomplete municipal report on the works on the flat.

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