Inici » Coordinated actions to guarantee access to housing

Coordinated actions to guarantee access to housing

un home amb vestit de sacerdot dempeus en un podi amb un micròfon davant i una prestatgeria darrere, Carlo Crivelli, zabrocki, un retrat de personatge, incoherents

The Archbishop of Barcelona calls for coordinated action

The Archbishop of Barcelona, ​​Cardinal Joan Josep Omella, has called for coordinated action between administrations, entities and citizens to ensure that access to housing is not an unattainable dream. In his ‘Sunday Letter’ this Sunday, Omella has expressed his concern over the fact that many people, especially young people, cannot access housing due to excessive rental and purchase prices. In addition, he lamented the evictions that occur daily, some of which have tragic consequences.

The importance of housing for a dignified life

Omella highlighted the importance of housing for a dignified life. According to a recent report by Càritas Diocesana de Barcelona, ​​three out of four households supported by the organization do not have a home in good condition. In addition, two out of five people in the diocese of Barcelona suffer from difficulties related to residential exclusion. Faced with this situation, the archbishop has urged to take practical measures to guarantee access to housing.

The rights necessary for a human life

In his letter, Omella reflected on the rights necessary to maintain a human life. In addition to housing, he has mentioned other rights such as food, work, education, access to culture, health, transport, the free flow of information and religious freedom. The archbishop recalled the words of Pope Francis, who emphasized the importance of guaranteeing these fundamental rights.

The crisis of access to housing

Currently, access to housing is one of the main problems facing society, especially in Catalonia. Prohibitive rent and purchase prices, together with the concentration of people in large cities and job insecurity, means that many young people cannot access housing and see their life project cut short. This situation has been highlighted in a recent study by the Spanish Youth Council and the NGO Oxfam Intermón, which points out that more than half of young people with economic difficulties suffer from mental health problems due to this situation.

Barcelona City Council’s shock plan

Barcelona City Council has announced a shock plan to address the problem of access to housing. This plan includes the recovery of 10,000 homes that are currently intended for tourist rental, with the aim of having them available to local citizens. However, some organizations such as the Tenants’ Union are skeptical about the effectiveness of this plan and warn about the possibility that these homes will become seasonal rentals, making access to housing even more difficult.


In summary, the Archbishop of Barcelona has called for coordinated action to guarantee access to housing and has highlighted the importance of this right for a dignified life. The current situation of access to housing is worrying, especially for young people, and requires practical measures to solve this problem. Barcelona City Council has announced a shock plan, but its effectiveness in practice remains to be seen.

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