Inici » D-Day: 80 years since the emblematic landing in Normandy

D-Day: 80 years since the emblematic landing in Normandy

un gran grup d'homes parats l'un al costat de l'altre a prop d'un vaixell a l'aigua i d'un vaixell a l'aigua, Alfred Eisenstaedt, acolorit, foto acolorida, antípodes

A historical reminder

This Thursday was not a day of provincial political revelry. It was the 80th anniversary of the Allied landings in Normandy, known as “the longest day”, D-Day. The landings on June 6, 1944 not only decided the fate of the Second World War, but also laid the foundation for the democratic and united Europe of the following decades, culminating in the European Union, a project always underway. This ephemeris is remembered on the front pages of the newspapers this Friday, with photographs of the commemorations that will last throughout the weekend.

A message from Biden

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, has addressed a message to the surviving veterans of that heroic episode and to the heads of state present at the solemn ceremonies on the beaches of Normandy. In his speech, Biden emphasized that the battle against tyranny continues eighty years later and referred to the current challenges that the free world must face, such as Russia’s aggression. This direct reference shows that D-Day still has great relevance today.

A speech inspired by Reagan

Joe Biden, in his speech, was inspired by the memorable speech of President Ronald Reagan in 1984, on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of D-Day. This speech by Reagan at the Pointe du Hoc, a cliff that was taken by the Texas Rangers, is considered one of the most emblematic moments of his presidency. Biden, despite political differences with Reagan in the past, has sought to align himself with the legacy of leadership against tyranny represented by Reagan’s speech. This contrasts with the attitude of former President Donald Trump, who showed a friendlier stance towards Russia and questioned the importance of NATO.

The legacy of D-Day

D-Day was a turning point in the Second World War and marked the way to a democratic and united Europe. This anniversary reminds us of the importance of freedom and the fight against tyranny. Today, eighty years later, we still face similar challenges, such as Russian aggression. It is essential to remember and learn from the past to build a better future.

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