Inici » EH Bildu candidate apologizes and reaffirms commitment to reconciliation

EH Bildu candidate apologizes and reaffirms commitment to reconciliation


The commitment to reconciliation

EH Bildu’s candidate for lehendakari, Pello Otxandiano, has expressed his commitment to reconciliation and respect for all victims, especially ETA victims. In an interview with Ràdio Euskadi, Otxandiano acknowledged the possibility of having offended the victims’ sensibilities with his words about ETA and apologized for this. He stressed that the sovereignist coalition is being forceful on the road to reconciliation and the construction of a plural memory and respect and reparation for all victims without exception.

The evolution of EH Bildu

Otxandiano highlighted the evolution of EH Bildu, stating that the coalition has gone from being part of the problem to being part of the solution and is now ready to be an agent of reconciliation. He pointed out that in his lists there are people who were threatened by ETA in the past, thus highlighting the progress made in the construction of a plural memory and a coexistence based on respect for human rights.

Discretion in the process

The EH Bildu candidate has defended the importance of removing the issue from the media spotlight and electoral interests, stating that reconciliation and building coexistence must be carried out discreetly and out of the media spotlight. He has expressed his determination to continue moving forward on this path, regardless of political and electoral interests.

Personal commitment

Otxandiano reiterated EH Bildu’s commitment to reconciliation and affirmed that, if he is elected lehendakari, he will personally take on the task of bringing this process to the end. He emphasized that the coalition is committed to continuing to advance in the construction of a plural memory and a coexistence based on respect, and that they are in favorable conditions to achieve this.

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