Inici » Felipe González criticizes the amnesty and Pedro Sánchez’s pacts

Felipe González criticizes the amnesty and Pedro Sánchez’s pacts

un home amb vestit i corbata davant d'un edifici amb una paret blanca al darrere i una corbata vermella, Carlos Catasse, ignacio fernandez rios, un retrat, precisió

Felipe González’s position on the amnesty

The former president of the Government, Felipe González, has expressed his disagreement with the application of the amnesty law, describing it as ‘ad hoc’ and self-managed by its beneficiaries. In a recent interview, González has expressed his opposition to this measure, arguing that it does not fall within the Constitution and he considers it arbitrary. According to him, this is not an action of forgiveness, but of asking for forgiveness. Furthermore, he has pointed out that the application of the amnesty will not be uniform, which could generate discrepancies.

Opinions on Carles Puigdemont and Pedro Sánchez

When asked about a possible return of Carles Puigdemont ‘free and exonerated’, González expressed that, although he does not hold any grudges, he would consider this as a mockery of the system, although he would not feel any resentment. Regarding the Junts leader, he has criticized his actions, describing it as ‘anything less democratic and positive for the interests of Catalans’.

Criticism of Pedro Sánchez and the Government pacts

González has taken the opportunity to criticize Pedro Sánchez again. He has described as ‘incomprehensible’ the period of ‘reflection’ that the Spanish president took last April. Furthermore, he has reiterated his position against Sánchez’s government pacts, stating that he does not feel represented by them.

Reflections on the Catalan elections and the independentists

Regarding the results of the Catalan elections, González has accused Junts per Catalunya of not accepting the results and not respecting the vote. He has stated that any pact in Catalonia must imply dialogue, knowledge and acceptance of Salvador Illa, and has rejected the idea of ​​bypassing this representation of the PSC.

Position at the Congress of the Socialists and final considerations

At the last congress of the socialists, González mentioned that ‘the most intelligent solution’ was proposed in relation to financing and self-government, which the independentistas will not accept. Although he recognizes that this position could cost the Socialists the Government, he has stated that he would not count on them in any case. Furthermore, he has reiterated that he feels ‘absolutely’ orphaned of representation in the party.

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