Inici » Financing and elections in Catalonia

Financing and elections in Catalonia

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Offer of financing and political support

Carles Puigdemont has commented on the special financing proposal that Pedro Sánchez would have made to ERC in exchange for his support to invest Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat. The leader of Junts has described this offer as ‘scandalous’ and has accused the President of the Government of blackmail. According to Puigdemont, Sánchez would be using this offer as a way to pressure Illa to be sworn in. In an extensive publication on his .

Economic agreement for Catalonia

Puigdemont has defended the need for an economic agreement for Catalonia, not as a political concession, but as a demand of the Catalan people expressed through their Parliament and supported in different elections. According to him, the money that Catalonia needs goes to Madrid instead of being invested in the region, which he considers an injustice. He has described it as ‘immoral’ to play with the well-being and future of Catalans as a bargaining chip for partisan benefits (

Criticism of the socialists

Puigdemont has taken the opportunity to criticize the leader of the Socialists, accusing him of thinking about the party instead of the Catalans. He has mentioned the case of Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, who is being investigated, and has pointed out that socialists only worry about injustices when they are directly affected. He has also mentioned the party’s agreements in Barcelona and Catalonia, suggesting that they are only willing to end injustices if their candidate is sworn in as president.

State’s general budgets

Puigdemont has warned that budget execution will be carefully analyzed in the next general state budgets, and has made it clear that his support is not guaranteed. He has stated that attention must be paid to the way in which resources are managed and whether the well-being of Catalans is taken into account (

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