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How to paraphrase texts and articles online for free

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The paraphraser is a tool used to rephrase sentences, paragraphs, essays or articles in order to achieve greater clarity without changing their meaning.

What is paraphrasing?

Paraphrasing means expressing another person’s ideas in your own words. It is an alternative to literal quotes, where the exact words are copied and put in quotes. In academic writing, it is preferable to paraphrase rather than cite, as it demonstrates understanding of the source and makes the work more original (

Steps to paraphrase

To paraphrase correctly, the following steps must be followed:

1. Understand the original text

It is important to read and fully understand the original text before beginning to paraphrase. This will ensure that the message and context of the article is maintained.

2. Use synonyms and different words

When paraphrasing, it is necessary to use words and adjectives different from the original text. This will help create a unique article and avoid plagiarism.

3. Maintain structure and tone

It is important to maintain the structure and tone of the original article when paraphrasing. This will ensure that the message and context remain intact.

4. Check consistency and readability

After paraphrasing, it is essential to check the new article for consistency and readability. This will ensure that the text is understandable and attractive to readers.


The paraphraser is a useful tool to rephrase texts and articles online for free. By following the proper steps, you can achieve effective and original paraphrasing. Always remember to cite the original source to avoid plagiarism (

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