Inici » Illegal linking of the Pegasus application and the terrorism charge against Tsunami

Illegal linking of the Pegasus application and the terrorism charge against Tsunami

un home amb vestit i corbata assegut a una taula en una cambra del Parlament amb altres persones al fons, Adam Marczyński, rutkowski, una foto, arbeitsrat für kunst

The illegal connection of Pegasus and the charge of terrorism

Andreu Van den Eynde, defender of the Republican Esquerra de Catalunya deputy in Parliament, Ruben Wagensberg, has confirmed the relationship between the illegal use of the Pegasus application and the accusation of terrorism against Tsunami and the defendants. According to El Món, everything points to the fact that the information used by the researchers to carry out their research, both in the case of Democratic Tsunami and in other proceedings related to the pro-independence movement, comes from illegal espionage.

The Participation of the CNI and Other Security Forces

In a statement issued by ERC, it is indicated that “Van den Eynde certifies that the CNI has participated, illegally, in the investigation of the events of the Democratic Tsunami, as have the bodies and security forces of the State required by the Supreme Court in the framework of this same case”. The lawyer has asked the judge investigating the case at the Supreme Court, Susana Polo, to take into account the illegal spying on Pegasus by the CNI ( -catalan-texts/).

Situation of the Accused

Ruben Wagensberg, currently exiled in Switzerland to avoid Spanish persecution, is being investigated for alleged terrorism in the Tsunami case, along with other figures such as Carles Puigdemont and Marta Rovira. According to Van den Eynde, there is a “clear reinterpretation of the law in order to qualify the acts as terrorism” in the case of Wagensberg. In addition, the lawyer points out that “attributing crimes of terrorism to the achievement of a political objective, such as achieving a Catalan Republic, criminalizes the actions of independence in its entirety” (https://

Impact of Espionage and the Charge of Terrorism

The use of Pegasus to spy on members of Democratic Tsunami is considered a threat to the right to protest, and the accusation of terrorism is perceived as a disproportionate reaction that attacks the civil and political rights of citizens, discouraging free expression (

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