Inici » Meetings to unblock Catalonia’s governability

Meetings to unblock Catalonia’s governability

una dona asseguda en una cadira vermella amb un micròfon al davant i un micròfon al fons, Eva Gonzalès, zabrocki, un retrat de personatges, arbeitsrat für kunst

ERC sets the first meetings to unblock Catalonia’s governability

The general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, has announced that the first meetings have been set for next week with the aim of unstuck the governability of Catalonia. The negotiating teams of the republicans will maintain contacts with the PSC and Junts, the two formations that aspire to occupy the presidency of Catalonia. Rovira has highlighted the importance of the other parties presenting concrete proposals to the ERC, as he considers it necessary to understand the reason for these proposals before making a decision ( ).

Cancellation of the ERC extraordinary congress

During the interview, Marta Rovira also spoke about the cancellation of the ERC extraordinary congress to vote on the pre-agreement with the Barcelona socialists. This pre-agreement has generated some controversy within the party, as there are sectors that oppose any pact with the PSC. Rovira has made himself available to the Barcelona federation to find a solution and has affirmed that the congress must be held, as evidenced by the large turnout of militants at the postponed event.

Mistrust with Moncloa

In relation to the statements of the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, about the special treatment of Catalonia in terms of financing, Rovira has shown mistrust. He believes that the negotiations should not be done through the media and asks Moncloa to put all the issues on the table for a bilateral negotiation.

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