Inici » Negotiations for the investiture of the presidency of the Generalitat

Negotiations for the investiture of the presidency of the Generalitat

una dona asseguda a una taula amb un bolígraf a la mà i un home amb vestit darrere, Anna Hotchkis, zabrocki, un retrat de personatges, regionalisme

Marta Rovira starts the negotiations

The general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, has officially started the negotiations for a virtual investiture in the presidency of the Generalitat. At the national council held this morning, Rovira highlighted two important announcements.

Intermediate consensus and creation of negotiation teams

First, an intermediate consensus has been reached with PSC and Junts to negotiate on the basis of four folders and the creation of four negotiating teams.

Investment pre-agreement

Secondly, ERC has requested that a supposed pre-investment agreement be signed at the end of July. Republicans want to avoid reaching the time limit because that could involve an unfavorable deal.

Criticism of PSC and Junts

Rovira has criticized the fact that neither PSC nor Junts have made proposals to form a Government or presented any program. He reproached the board members for not presenting a Government project to invest Carles Puigdemont and the PSC for not clarifying their positions and proposals.

ERC proposals

ERC has put on the table the proposals they have collected in a participatory process in the territorial assemblies. The proposals include the resolution of the political conflict, the economic concert or singular financing, the national reconstruction with the language as a priority and the republican policies to advance towards social justice and equal opportunities.

Trading calendar

Rovira has set a timetable for the negotiations. The preliminary agreement with Junts and PSC must be reached before the end of July. The aim is to present this pre-agreement to the militancy so that they can decide whether they support it or not.

Rovira has urged PSC and Junts to speed up the negotiation process. He recalled that on other occasions they have reached an understanding and warned that time is running out at the end of July.

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