Inici » Operation Judas and the Amnesty Law: A Detailed Analysis

Operation Judas and the Amnesty Law: A Detailed Analysis

un article de diari amb una imatge d'un grup d'homes amb vestit i corbata en una sala de reunions amb altres homes amb vestit, Avgust Černigoj, coherent, un pòster, incoherents

The Context of the National Court

Twelve residents, included in CDR and accused of terrorism in Operation Judas, are in the center of attention of the National Court. This Thursday at 10 in the morning a crucial hearing will be held, in which the defenses of the accused, the majority represented by lawyers from Alerta Solidaria, will seek to have the recently enacted amnesty law applied to them.

The Prosecutor’s Position

The Prosecutor’s Office has not revealed its position regarding the possible extinction of the criminal responsibility of the defendants. In parallel, ten defendants, including the general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, are in the National Court, while the president in exile Carles Puigdemont and the ERC deputy Ruben Wagensberg are being investigated in the Supreme Court.

Popular Accusations

In addition to the Prosecutor’s Office, the unionist entities Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT), Dignity and Justice Association, Spanish Association of the Civil Guard (AEGC), Unified Association of the Civil Guard (AUGC) and the ultra VOX party are also part of popular accusations in this case.

The Amnesty Law and its Application

The amnesty law, in force for two weeks, raises the possibility of extinction of liability in terrorist crimes, as long as no person’s life has been affected or serious injuries have been caused. The defendants’ defenses argue that this requirement is met in the case of the CDRs of Operation Judas.

The Solidarity Alert Posture

Solidarity Alert, representing the defenses, has denounced the alleged irregularities in this case, calling it ‘prospective’ and a ‘persecution of the Catalan independence movement’. The organization has also highlighted the silence of the Prosecutor’s Office, raising the possibility of a change of position on the part of this entity.

The Accused’s Perspective

Defense lawyers insist that the facts investigated have not intentionally caused a serious violation of human rights, a key requirement for the application of the amnesty. Likewise, they emphasize that the cause of the 12 neighbors prosecuted in Operation Judas is similar to that of the 12 in Tsunami Democràtic, which raises uncertainty about the outcome of this case.

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