Inici » Request from former vice president of Parliament not to apply amnesty law

Request from former vice president of Parliament not to apply amnesty law

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Josep Costa requests not to apply the amnesty law

Former Parliament Vice President Josep Costa has submitted a request to the Supreme Court to have the amnesty law not applied to him. He argues that its application could be interpreted as an admission of guilt, and has therefore demanded that his case be declared void. Costa, who is being persecuted for political reasons, defends his right to reject the amnesty and obtain the complete annulment of the criminal case.

Appeal and legal support

The former Junts per Catalunya MP has made public on Twitter the appeal sent to the Supreme Court, backed by the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The appeal calls for the enforcement of the right to obtain reparation, the prosecution of the guilty parties and the demand for guarantees of non-repetition.

Observations on the amnesty and clemency measures

Costa has shared observations in which he points out that the amnesty and other leniency measures do not affect the victims’ right to reparation. In the appeal, a new ruling is requested declaring the nullity of all actions, as provided for in the complaint filed against the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia for illegal detention.

Application of the amnesty and known cases

The first amnestied have been announced, among them Miquel Buch, former Minister of the Interior. The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia decided to amnesty Buch, convicted of embezzlement of public funds. The ruling interprets that the amnesty law affects the crime of embezzlement when public money is used to promote the independence of Catalonia.

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