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Ricard Ustrell: Passion for Radio and Fatherhood

un home assegut a una taula amb un diari a la mà i un televisor al fons amb un monitor a la paret, Avgust Černigoj, impressió en format mitjà, retrat, premsa privada

A Journey Through the Career of Ricard Ustrell

Ricard Ustrell, director of El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio and Col·lapse, shares his exciting journey in the world of radio and television. From his start at 14 years old at Matadepera Ràdio to his current position, Ustrell has experienced notable growth in his career.

Beginnings in Radio

At the early age of 14, Ustrell began his career in radio, participating in a programme called Falsa Identitat on Matadepera Ràdio. This programme, which he did with friends from school, gave him the opportunity to develop his radio skills, learning from key figures such as Albert Beorlegui and Manolo Guerrero.

The impact of radio on his life dates back to his childhood, when his grandfather introduced him to the Versió Original program. This emotional bond with radio led him to pursue a career in this medium, with the desire to make his grandfather proud.

Family Influence and Priorities

The influence of his grandfather and grandmother has been fundamental in Ustrell’s life. His grandmother, at 98 years old, continues to be a source of inspiration and unconditional support. This family legacy has shaped his approach to life and career, prioritizing connection with his team and creating an environment of trust and enthusiasm.

Balance between Parenthood and Career

Fatherhood has been an enriching experience for Ustrell, who values ​​the opportunity to share meaningful moments with his children. This balance between family and professional life has been possible thanks to the support of his partner and the commitment of his team at El Matí de Catalunya Ràdio.

Challenges and Achievements in Radio

Throughout his career, Ustrell has faced significant challenges, including moments of pressure and high expectations. His experience in El Suplement, where he achieved audience records, was marked by a high personal cost, facing anxiety and depression. However, these challenges led him to make decisions that led to new projects and achievements in radio and television.

Perspectives for the Future

With renewed projects on the horizon, Ustrell is preparing for a new season in radio and television. His focus on innovation, commitment to the audience and desire to overcome challenges reflect his determination to continue growing in his career.

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