Inici » Switzerland rejects judicial aid to Spanish judge in Democratic Tsunami case

Switzerland rejects judicial aid to Spanish judge in Democratic Tsunami case

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Switzerland rejects request for judicial assistance

The Swiss Federal Department of Justice and Police has refused for the third time to offer legal assistance to Judge Manuel García-Castellón in the case he is investigating for alleged terrorist offences in the demonstrations called by Tsunami Democràtic.

According to El País, on May 22, the Swiss authorities announced that the actions described do not fall within the scope of the Swiss Penal Code, since the concentrations were political in content and had no relation to terrorist acts.

Negative to locate Marta Rovira

The judge of the National Court asked the Swiss authorities to locate the general secretary of ERC, Marta Rovira, also accused in the case, and required information about a bank account that had allegedly been used to finance the mobilizations organized by Tsunami Democràtic in 2019.

The Swiss federal office has indicated that it will not carry out either action, as it considers that the acts do not constitute terrorism under Swiss law.

Rejection of accusations and criticism

The Swiss authorities have defended that in the protests organized by Tsunami there was no coercion or extortion, and that no one’s life or physical integrity was endangered.

In addition, they have responded to García-Castellón’s accusations about an alleged political bias favorable to the Government on the part of the Swiss authorities, ensuring that they have not violated the Council of Europe Convention for the prevention of terrorism.

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