Inici » The Catalan independence movement and the need for review

The Catalan independence movement and the need for review

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A necessary reflection

After the independence movement has lost its absolute majority in the Parliament of Catalonia, several independence leaders have raised the need for a review of their political strategy. Oriol Junqueras, leader of ERC, has asked for five months of reflection to prepare for the congress of his party. For his part, Carles Puigdemont seeks to rebuild bridges and the CUP must be refounded according to David Botran. These statements show that the independence movement recognizes the importance of evaluating its current situation and rethinking its objectives.

A change of focus

However, it is crucial that this review is carried out not only at the party level, but also as a social movement. The historian Jaume Vicens Vives stated that there cannot be a culture or political and economic life without a human group that understands the objectives of the society it governs. Therefore, the independence movement must be recognized again as a human group that governs and directs. This implies that pro-independence parties, entities and personalities must work together to create a new joint program that reflects the interests and needs of Catalan society.

A second chance

The assessment of Pedro Sánchez and Salvador Illa upon seeing that the independence movement does not have an absolute majority has been to try to give a plebiscitary meaning to the elections. However, the independence movement must react constructively and respond to the demands of society. This involves making peace between them, clearly defining new objectives and establishing a government program. If the will to rebuild bridges, reflect and refound itself is genuine, the independence movement has a second chance to continue governing the main institutions of Catalonia. This could be achieved by causing a repeat of the parliamentary elections next October.

The importance of unity

It is evident that when the elections do not focus on independence, the pro-independence electoral body does not vote in that key. This has been used by non-independence supporters to interpret the results in a pro-independence way. However, it is necessary for pro-independence parties to offer different models of society so that citizens can make informed decisions. To achieve this, it is essential that parties work together and avoid internal conflicts that could weaken their electoral position. Unity and consensus are key to the success of the independence movement.

A solid government program

The independence movement’s government program cannot be limited to the issue of independence. It must address issues such as the fiscal deficit, the Rodalies crisis, the promotion of the Catalan language and the development of infrastructure. Furthermore, it is essential that the program clearly establishes the Catalan path to independence. To achieve this, pro-independence parties must reach agreements and avoid internal disputes that could affect their image and electoral support. It is time to leave the fights behind and work together for the good of Catalonia.

An opportunity for change

Although the recent elections have shown that the pro-independence electoral body does not vote exclusively pro-independence, this does not mean that the fight for independence has lost relevance. It is important to remember that the independence movement faces challenges such as the lack of control over its own wealth and the repression and exile of its leaders. However, if the independence movement manages to make the necessary changes and present a solid government program, it can change the perception of citizens and win their support in future elections.


In summary, the Catalan independence movement is at a crucial moment in which it must reflect, review its objectives and work in unity to achieve its goals. The review must be carried out at both the party and social movement levels, recognizing the importance of a human group that governs and directs. It is essential to establish a solid government program that addresses the needs of Catalan society as a whole. If the independence movement manages to make these changes, it has the opportunity to continue governing the main institutions of Catalonia and advance towards its independence goals.

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