Inici » The Conflict between RTVE and Movistar over the Signing of David Broncano

The Conflict between RTVE and Movistar over the Signing of David Broncano

un home amb vestit assegut a una taula amb un bolígraf a la mà i un logotip de la televisió al fons, Esteban Vicente, ignacio fernandez rios, un retrat de personatge, tachisme

The Conflict between RTVE and Movistar over David Broncano’s Estrella Program

The month of September marks the beginning of the season on TVE, and David Broncano’s program is expected to be the starting point. However, uncertainty surrounds the premiere, since there are still many details to be defined. Although the program continues to broadcast on Movistar+, the comedian has expressed doubts about whether the program will maintain the La Resistencia brand when it arrives on RTVE. According to Telefónica sources, the brand belongs to them and they have no intention of giving it up. This raises the possibility of the network continuing the show with another host or dropping the show but keeping the name. In addition, they could demand that the production company, Terrado Gestiones XXI, plan the Broncano project in prime time on RTVE, but with a name and aesthetic different from the usual ones.

Possible Agreement between RTVE and Movistar

Despite the tensions between the two companies, the possibility of reaching an agreement is not ruled out. However, Movistar has no intention of giving in and intends to maintain the La Resistencia brand. They consider that both the logo and the name of the program are emblems of the network, and they even created an exclusive channel for its broadcast. Although the management of Movistar+ has not yet made a decision about the future of the program or the channel created for its broadcast.

The David Broncano Program: A Symbol of the Chain

David Broncano’s program has become a symbol of the network, along with football, being one of its most notable programs. Despite this, the management was on the verge of canceling the program’s broadcasts in the past, but the support on social networks and the audiences tipped the balance towards its continuity. Despite this, audiences have decreased in recent seasons, representing only 0.15% of screen share, which represents a decrease of 60% compared to their peaks. The interim president of the Spanish corporation, Concepción Cascajosa, has confirmed the hiring of Broncano, as well as his team, including Jorge Ponce, Grison and the program director, Ricardo Castella.

Details of Broncano’s Contract with RTVE

RTVE and David Broncano have signed a contract for two seasons, spanning from 2024 to 2026, with a minimum of 155 programs per year, at a cost of 87,795 euros per program. The minimum annual turnover of the production company will be 13,608,225 euros, with a maximum production budget of 14,076,135 euros. The contract also establishes that the budget per season may be adjusted according to the needs of the program and its final cost. In addition, RTVE will have the power to approve the rest of the participants in the program, as well as their contracting conditions, maintaining the right to veto personnel who do not comply with the network’s standards. The production company will enjoy creative freedom, but must respect the RTVE Style Manual, and the corporation may make necessary modifications to the scripts and other creative contributions.

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