Inici » The continuation of the case against Mònica Oltra

The continuation of the case against Mònica Oltra

una dona asseguda a una taula amb un micròfon davant i un got d'aigua darrere, Frances Jetter, rutkowski, un retrat de personatges, regionalisme

The advancement of the cause

The case against Mònica Oltra continues. Today, the Investigative Court number 15 of Valencia has issued an abbreviated procedure in the case against the former vice president of the Valencian government. This case is related to the management of the case of sexual abuse committed by her ex-husband.

The order to transform the preliminary proceedings into an abbreviated procedure is carried out in compliance with the order issued by the Fourth Section of the Court of Valencia. Said order ordered the reopening of the case, partially considering the appeals of the private prosecution and the two popular accusations against the provisional file issued by the court.

The following steps

The prosecution and the accusations now have ten days to request the opening of the oral trial, presenting the indictment, or request the dismissal of the case. They may also request the carrying out of complementary proceedings, in exceptional cases. The head of the Investigative Court 15 considered that the evidence that supported the judicial accusations against the people investigated had completely vanished, and the Prosecutor’s Office supported the file by finding no evidence of criminality in any of those investigated.

However, the Valencia Court has rejected the file and considers that there is sufficient evidence to prosecute those investigated. According to the Court, it will be in the oral trial where possible criminal responsibilities will be determined and the circumstances in which the events occurred will be analyzed.

The case and resignation of Mònica Oltra

This judicial case is related to the management of the case of sexual abuse of a minor under the protection of the Generalitat, committed by Mònica Oltra’s ex-husband. The former vice president resigned on June 21, 2022 due to this case.

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