Inici » The Leader of the PSC, Salvador Illa, Advocates for a Pact of Progress for the Governance of the Country

The Leader of the PSC, Salvador Illa, Advocates for a Pact of Progress for the Governance of the Country

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Salvador Illa and the Progress Pact

The first secretary of the Partit dels Socialistes de Catalunya (PSC), Salvador Illa, has reiterated his conviction that the best solution for the governability of the country lies in the formation of a progress pact between his party, Esquerra Republicana (ERC) and the Commons. In a speech at the congress of the Maresme socialists, Illa emphasized that there are only two options on the table: a progressive agreement or the calling of new elections.

Illa has highlighted that an agreement with ERC and the Comuns represents an excellent opportunity for Catalonia, and has underlined the need for stability and tranquility to address the country’s fundamental problems.

Dialogue and Flexibility

The leader of the PSC has expressed his commitment to seeking a progress pact, recognizing that his party’s 42 deputies are not enough, and has emphasized the importance of dialogue, flexibility, generosity, discretion and political skill to forge this most.

Illa has also pointed out the possibility of developing a programme that addresses social problems and promotes policies of progress and prosperity, in a context of the rise of the extreme right and the radical right.

Negotiations and Perspectives

In relation to the negotiations, Illa has expressed his optimism about the potential success of this pact, while defending the possibility of broad and transversal agreements with other relevant formations, as long as the investiture is finalized with the progress pact.

The PSC leader has anticipated that the negotiations will be extensive and will extend until the end of the August 26 deadline, making it clear that he will not take a vacation until then.

Position on Amnesty

Salvador Illa has also addressed the issue of amnesty, pointing out that, regardless of personal preferences, it must be applied, respecting the work of the legislative powers and recognizing that laws must be applied if they have followed established procedures.

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