Inici » The new rule on the review of lifts and its implications

The new rule on the review of lifts and its implications

un ascensor metàl·lic molt llarg amb una claraboia a sobre de les seves portes i una zona de terra de catifa, Évariste Vital Luminais, motor irreal molt representat, una foto d'estoc, les automatistes


The new rule on the review of lifts came into force on 1 July and aims to ensure the safety of older lifts. This regulation will affect between 35 and 40% of lifts in Spain, that is to say, 3 or 4 out of 10. Neighborhood communities will have to make the necessary reforms to adapt the lifts to the approved safety requirements by the State, and this could mean a cost of up to 30,000 euros for each community.

The requirements of the new standard

The new rule on the review of lifts establishes several requirements that lifts must meet to ensure the safety of users. Some of these requirements are:

Improved cabin leveling

The standard recommends the installation of a frequency variator to improve the leveling of the cabin and avoid accidents due to lack of leveling or change of the tractor unit.

Door closing protection

All lifts must have a photoelectric plate covering the opening from 25mm to 1,600mm to ensure door closing protection.

Protection against uncontrolled movements of the cabin

It will be necessary to make the necessary modifications to prevent or stop the movement of the cabin beyond the plant and ensure the safety of the users.

Two-way communication in the cabin

The elevators must be connected to a center so that you can call and be attended to if you get stuck. This two-way communication must be accessible to people with disabilities.

Replacement of guides

All elevators, except those considered historical-artistic heritage, must have cabin guides and counterweights that have parachutes. The guides can be cylindrical or wooden.


The new rule on the revision of elevators aims to guarantee the safety of users and obliges the communities of neighbors to carry out the necessary reforms to adapt the elevators to the safety requirements approved by the State. While these renovations can come at a high cost to communities, it is critical to ensure the safety of older elevators. Therefore, it is important that the communities of neighbors get in touch with specialized professionals to make the necessary modifications and ensure that the lifts comply with the requirements of the new standard.

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