Inici » The PSOE maintains its support despite the expectations of the elections

The PSOE maintains its support despite the expectations of the elections

un home de peu en un podi amb altres persones darrere d'ell i un cartell vermell al darrere que diu bse, Fernando Gerassi, behance hd, una foto d'estoc, incoherents

The results of the survey

According to a 40dB poll for El País, the socialists are once again closing in on the PP ahead of new general elections. In this case, the survey shows the percentage of votes that each formation would get, in the case of the socialists they would get 31.2%, two percentage points below the populars who would have 33.3%.

The political landscape

If general elections were currently called in Spain, both the PSOE and the PP would get virtually the same results as on June 23, 2023. The Socialists gathered 31.7% a year ago and now they would get 31.2% . The popular would go from the current 33.1% of the votes to 33.3%.

The bloc of the right and the extreme right

The right-wing and far-right bloc would benefit as a whole, but not all parties. Although the PP is up by a few tenths, Vox is down, from 12.4% of the vote to 10.4%. According to the survey, at present, almost 12% of the voters of the formation led by Santiago Abascal would opt for Alvise Pérez’s party.

The members of the PSOE are going through a bad time

While the most likely partners of the populists maintain their bloc, the socialists have a harder time. Sumar would follow his trend in the last regional and European elections and lose a large part of his voters. Those of Yolanda Díaz would go from concentrating 12% of the votes to 5.9%.

Catalan formations

As far as the Catalan parties are concerned, Junts would win ahead of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC). Republicans would go from 1.9% of the vote to 1.1%. This small drop is enough for the juntaries to be ahead, going from 1.6% to 2.1%.

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