Inici » The Renewal Agreement of the General Council of the Judiciary: Details and Meaning for Spanish Politics

The Renewal Agreement of the General Council of the Judiciary: Details and Meaning for Spanish Politics

un grup d'homes asseguts a una taula davant d'una pantalla de televisió amb banderes i un canelobre penjat a sobre, Avgust Černigoj, en focus, una foto d'estoc, realisme socialista

The Great Pact between the PSOE and the PP

The agreement to renew the General Council of the Judiciary (CGPJ) between the PSOE and the PP has been a prominent topic on the front pages of the main Spanish media. After knowing the terms of the agreement, interest focuses on the intrastory, the details and what is not explained in public.

According to La Vanguardia, the leader of the PP, Feijóo, imposed his criteria after Ayuso hugged Milei, which allowed the agreement to be closed thanks to the good relationship between the Minister of the Presidency, Justice and Relations with the Cortes, Félix Bolaños , and the representative of the PP in the negotiations, Esteban González Pons. This relationship was essential to reactivate negotiations after the electoral storm and the tension over the amnesty.

Feijóo’s Triumph

With European mediation and once the elections were over, Feijóo managed to impose his criteria despite the pressure received. Neither Madrid president Isabel Díaz Ayuso nor former president José María Aznar opposed Feijóo, which ensured the stability of the pact.

Reactions and Perspectives

The agreement has marked a turning point between the two major parties in Congress, generating a radical change in the atmosphere of tension. Although appearances are maintained in public and the PP continues to attack Pedro Sánchez’s government, sources from the socialist executive believe that this pact will be the first in a series to renew other positions in important bodies.

In the Catalan press, concern focuses on the elections in the Parliament, where the decision of Esquerra Republicana will be decisive.

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