Inici » The resignation of Iván Espinosa de los Monteros de Vox and his possible incorporation into the PP

The resignation of Iván Espinosa de los Monteros de Vox and his possible incorporation into the PP

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The departure of Iván Espinosa from the Monteros of Vox

The departure of Iván Espinosa from the Monteros de Vox last summer generated great repercussions after the 23-J elections. His resignation as a deputy caused a significant impact in the ranks of his party and sparked interest in Genoa, headquarters of the Popular Party (PP).

Contacts with the PP

According to El Confidencial, two members of the national leadership of the PP tried to meet with Espinosa de los Monteros after the summer. On the first occasion, he was approached with the possibility of joining the party led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, although informally and without commitments on both sides. However, no agreement was reached.

On a second occasion, no formal or informal proposal for reinstatement was made, but there was strong interest in maintaining a close relationship with Espinosa de los Monteros, who was Santiago Abascal’s right-hand man at Vox. The two people who approached him are part of the PP steering committee.

Contradictory versions

Both from Genoa and those around Espinosa de los Monteros do not deny these contacts, although they describe them as informal and habitual conversations between politicians who have held positions of responsibility. According to PP sources, the conversations were conditional references and there was no intention to incorporate Espinosa de los Monteros into the party.

However, other sources contradict this version due to the range of power of the interlocutors. Despite the different versions, the PP leadership recognizes the political attractiveness of Espinosa de los Monteros due to his training, oratorical skills and public projection.

Espinosa de los Monteros after Vox

Since his departure from Vox, Espinosa de los Monteros has maintained a low profile and has distanced himself from political life. Although at one point there was speculation about his intention to form a new political project with other former members of Vox to run in the European elections, the former ultra deputy has expressed his desire to stay away from the political front line and focus on his private businesses. He has not spoken publicly about the alleged internal wars at Vox and in his resignation he cited family reasons.

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