Inici » Tourist arrested in Pompeii for damaging archaeological heritage

Tourist arrested in Pompeii for damaging archaeological heritage

un agent de policia està escrivint en una placa amb una espasa al davant i un home que sosté un bastó, Art & Language, art noveau, graffiti art, arte povera

Crime of damage to property

A visitor was arrested Saturday at the Pompeii archaeological site in Italy after being caught scratching the wall of an ancient Roman house. The tourist wrote the word ‘ALI’ and now he must pay for the restoration work. The Italian Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano, described this act as ‘serious’ and announced that the detainee will be responsible for the costs of repair thanks to a new law that increases sanctions against those who damage national heritage.

recurring crime

It is not the first time that a similar incident has occurred in Pompeii and other nearby archaeological sites. Last June, a tourist from the Netherlands scrawled his signature in indelible marker on a frescoed wall of a Roman house in Herculaneum, near Pompeii.

The latest discovery in Pompeii

Recent excavations in the Pompeii archaeological area revealed an impressive banquet hall with elegant black walls and frescoes decorated with mythological themes inspired by the Trojan War. This refined environment was used for moments of conviviality, banquets and conversations, and reflects the high standard of living of the time. The frescoes found show representations of heroes and divinities of the Trojan War, as well as the idea of ​​destiny and the possibility of changing one’s own destiny. The excellent state of conservation has allowed us to identify figures such as Helena, Paris and Cassandra, among others.

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