Inici » Turbulent times for the State Attorney General

Turbulent times for the State Attorney General

un home amb vestit i corbata davant de banderes i una finestra amb una cortina al darrere, Arthur Sarkissian, ignacio fernandez rios, un retrat, plasticien

The current situation

The Attorney General of the State, Álvaro García Ortiz, is experiencing turbulent times during his second term. The possibility of a possible resignation has been opened up if the Supreme Court assumes the complaint for disclosure of secrets presented by the partner of Isabel Díaz Ayuso, Alberto González Amador, and investigates him for this matter. As reported by El Independiente, there is a belief that this will happen, as it is considered a right-wing strategy to weaken the government of Pedro Sánchez and end the mandate of García Ortiz.

The resistance of the attorney general

Despite this situation, the attorney general’s environment ensures that he remains firm and confident in his ability to resist these pressures. However, the appearance of the lawsuit of the couple of Ayuso is presented as a worrying scenario for García Ortiz.

Strategies at play

Fiscal sources close to the attorney general consider that there is a right-wing strategy to remove García Ortiz from his position, pointing to Miguel Ángel Rodríguez (MAR) as the person responsible for this campaign. These sources claim that the initial leak about the mail of the prosecutor of the case, Julián Salto, with the lawyer of González Amador, was a deception in which the Prosecutor’s Office fell. This marks the origin of this strategy against the Attorney General.

Reactions of the Attorney General

García Ortiz has designated himself responsible for the case, while assuming responsibility for the actions of the Prosecutor’s Office in this matter. In addition, he has recently questioned the impartiality of the judges who have to decide on his continuity, asking for the separation of the judges of the Supreme Court who have to pronounce on his renewal and permanence in office.


The situation of the State Attorney General is delicate and surrounded by controversy. Accusations and pressures come from various directions, calling into question his continuity in office. This situation, far from being resolved, seems to be getting more and more complicated, generating uncertainty about the future of Álvaro García Ortiz.

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