Inici » Jordi Biosca is crowned national Muay Thai champion

Jordi Biosca is crowned national Muay Thai champion

dos homes en un ring de boxa amb un amb un guant de perforació i l'altre amb un guant de punxó, Eddie Mendoza, fotografia, fotografia, naturalisme

The meteoric rise of Jordi Biosca in Muay Thai

Jordi Biosca Ortiz, originally from Alzira, has managed to establish himself as a national Muay Thai champion. His foray into this sport dates back two years ago, when he was inspired by an article written by his current coach, Erik Esparza. After contacting him, Jordi immersed himself in the practice of this sport, which, until then, was unknown to him.

March 16, 2024 marked a milestone in Jordi’s career, when he made his debut in the Valencian Community Autonomous Championship, held in Crevillente. His outstanding performance secured him a place in the Spanish Championship, where he not only qualified without incident, but also won the semi-final and the final.

The next challenge for Jordi is to conquer Europe, with the possibility of competing in Poland in November. However, this objective is conditional on obtaining a sponsor, since Jordi must balance his studies with the practice of this sport, which makes it difficult to fully assume the associated costs.

Muay Thai: a unique combat discipline

Muay Thai, also known as Thai Boxing or Thai Boxing, is the national sport and martial art originating from Thailand. It is a combat discipline that uses punches, elbows, knees, kicks, throws and grabs, accompanied by Sarama music. Those who practice it are known as Nak Muay.

This martial art is distinguished by its comprehensive use of the body as a weapon, with a pre-combat dance ritual known as Wai Kru Ram Muay. It is recognized as ‘The Art of the Eight Extremities’, referring to the eight parts of the human body that are used as combat weapons.

The hands and elbows are equated with bladed weapons, while the shins, forearms, knees, and feet are equated with blunt weapons. This uniqueness gives Muay Thai a distinctive character among combat disciplines.

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