Inici » The worrying image of Kiko Rivera that has alarmed his followers

The worrying image of Kiko Rivera that has alarmed his followers

un home amb barba i una nena amb un ordinador portàtil al davant i un home amb barba, Carlos Catasse, retrat fotorealista, dibuix d'un nen, arbeitsrat für kunst

The disturbing appearance of Kiko Rivera that has generated concern

The most recent photograph of Isabel Pantoja’s son has generated alarm among her followers on digital platforms.

Kiko Rivera’s life has been full of ups and downs in all aspects. Known as Paquirrín in his younger years, as the son of Isabel Pantoja, he has experienced a wide range of experiences. Currently, Kiko Rivera is one of the most recognized characters in the world of entertainment in Spain.

Constant concerns about Kiko Rivera’s health

Kiko Rivera has been a cause of concern on several occasions due to his health. On more than one occasion, her followers have been alarmed by issues related to her health, which is not surprising given her hectic lifestyle. His revelations about his addictions, especially during his time as a DJ, have generated great concern. In an interview, he confessed to having wasted millions of euros on parties and vices, even consuming large amounts of cocaine daily.

Additionally, Kiko Rivera has been diagnosed with diabetes, news that he is still assimilating. Since adolescence she has suffered severe attacks of gout, and in 2022 she suffered a stroke.

Recently, concern about Kiko Rivera’s health has increased again due to his appearance in a publication. However, in her own words, it was just a hangover.

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