Inici » The first mayor of Morella leaves behind his aspiration for seven public jobs in the town hall

The first mayor of Morella leaves behind his aspiration for seven public jobs in the town hall


The independent Bernabé Sangüesa retracts his candidacy for municipal seats by decree

The mayor of Morella, the independent Bernabé Sangüesa, has reversed his intention to apply for seven public jobs in the town council, to which he belongs as a councillor. Sangüesa had signed up for a municipal employment stabilization process, which had generated great controversy and criticism from the opposition.

The PP of Morella applauds the mayor’s decision and claims political exemplarity

The Popular Party of Morella, which is part of the municipal government along with the independent mayor, has positively assessed Sangüesa’s resignation. The popular spokesperson, Jesús Ortí, had asked in the last plenary session that the mayor choose between his public position or his participation in the stabilization process. Although at that time Sangüesa said that he would only resign if he obtained a position during his mandate, he has finally given up on all of them.

For Ortí, “it is appreciated that he rectifies his mistake” because “it is neither ethical nor legal to be judge and party in the same process.” Likewise, the PP reaffirms its commitment to defending “the exemplarity that is demanded of those of us who hold public office.” “We must honor politics because it is the best tool to improve people’s lives.”

The PSPV regrets the delay and secrecy of the mayor and demands political responsibility from him

The Socialist Party of Morella criticizes that the resignation occurred “late and with the secrecy that is characterizing all of this action on the part of the mayor.” Furthermore, they criticize that “his actions have been very negative, they permanently generate distrust and it is demonstrated that his actions have not been correct, as we had been denouncing. It has created an unsustainable situation. He will have to assume the political responsibility that corresponds to him.” Finally, they point out that “during all these days he has not given any credible explanation either to the media, or to the plenary session and the citizens, and he even forced us to request an extraordinary plenary session that at this point has not yet been convened.”

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