Inici » The Rise of Employment in the Camp de Tarragona and Terres de l’Ebre

The Rise of Employment in the Camp de Tarragona and Terres de l’Ebre

El Camp de Tarragona y las Terres de l’Ebre cerraron 2024 con 20.300 personas ocupadas más que hace un año, según los datos correspondientes al último trimestre de la Encuesta de Población Activa (EPA). La tasa de paro cerró el año en el 12,67% y 7.700 parados menos: actualmente, el número de personas en paro en la comarca se sitúa en 55.200. La EPA elaborada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) sitúa al sector servicios como principal motor del crecimiento del empleo (8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

A Year of Positive Changes in Employment

Camp de Tarragona and Terres de l’Ebre have experienced a notable increase in the number of employed workers, with a total of 20,300 new jobs registered at the end of 2024. Data from the Active Population Survey (EPA) reveal that the demarcation has experienced a significant decrease in the unemployment rate, which now stands at 12.67%, with 7,700 fewer people unemployed, totaling 55,200 unemployed.

The Services Sector as a Growth Engine

The EPA, prepared by the National Institute of Statistics (INE), highlights the services sector as the main driver of the increase in employment, with 21,400 new jobs created during the year. In contrast, sectors such as agriculture have suffered a decrease, with the loss of 6,500 jobs.

Analysis of the Active Population

The active population has grown, from 422,800 to 435,400 people, with a peak of 440,000 in the third quarter. This increase reflects a positive dynamic in the local economy, despite the slight rebound in unemployment at the end of the year.

Inequalities in the Unemployment Rate

Data from the last quarter of 2024 shows a female unemployment rate of 13.37%, higher than that of men, which is 12.67%. However, both rates have decreased compared to the previous year, when the female rate was 17.6%.

Prospects for the Future

With the tourist season as the main driver of employment, it is crucial that the region seeks to diversify its sources of employment to avoid excessive dependencies. The local economy must remain vigilant to fluctuations in the labor market, especially in more vulnerable sectors such as agriculture and construction.


The year 2024 has been a period of transformation for Camp de Tarragona and Terres de l’Ebre, with a significant increase in employment offering an opportunity for sustainable growth and improved working conditions in the region. The adaptability of the labour market will be essential to face future challenges.

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