Inici » Urgent actions to restore the Anoia River in the face of waste dumping

Urgent actions to restore the Anoia River in the face of waste dumping

Esta semana el Poble Actiu ha anunciado que ha presentado una denuncia ante la Agencia Catalana del Agua (ACA) para denunciar que, cuando hay fuertes lluvias, se vierten al río Anoia residuos ilegales procedentes de la red de alcantarillado de Igualada. Según el partido municipalista, el Ayuntamiento de Igualada, propietario y responsable de la red de alcantarillado, “no ha resuelto el problema de los vertidos, lo que empeora el estado del entorno fluvial y consolida el problema de los vertidos ilegales”. (8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

Complaint to ACA: A wake-up call for river health

Recently, the organization Poble Actiu decided to take a brave step by filing a complaint with the Catalan Water Agency (ACA). This action seeks to highlight the worrying situation experienced during heavy rains, when illegal waste is dumped from the Igualada sewer network into the Anoia River.

Representatives of Poble Actiu have stated that the Igualada City Council has not adequately addressed this issue, which is significantly worsening the health of the aquatic environment. Councilor Rosa Perelló has pointed out that this situation creates an image of the river that is moving away from its nature, becoming a real sewer.

The persistence of the problem: A journey of complaints

According to the statements of Poble Actiu, the solution to this problem would not require large investments, and yet, they have been forced to act in the face of the inaction of the city council. The councilwoman expressed her gratitude to the Anoia pel Clima organization, which has been working for years to improve the state of the river, organizing cleanups and activities that seek to raise awareness among the population.

Proposals for the restoration of the Anoia River

Elisabet Farrés, another councilor for Poble Actiu, explained that the cause of the spills is the overflow of the sewer network during heavy rains. This phenomenon causes waste such as towels and containers to end up directly in the river.

Necessary measures to address the situation

To address this problem, Poble Actiu has proposed two key measures: first, the installation of waste retention systems in all sewer network collectors. Although some improvements have been made, the reality is that broader actions are needed that cover all dumping points.

Secondly, it is essential to carry out regular cleaning and maintenance of these systems, as well as carry out cleaning actions after rains. In addition, Poble Actiu calls on the municipal government to intensify awareness campaigns, with the aim of making citizens aware of the importance of not throwing inappropriate objects down the toilet.

A sustainable future for the Anoia River

The situation of the Anoia River requires an immediate and effective response from the authorities. The health of this aquatic ecosystem not only affects local biodiversity, but also has an impact on the quality of life of the citizens who live along its banks. Citizen mobilization and pressure on the responsible organizations are key to ensuring a cleaner and more sustainable future for the river.

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