The Minister of Industry and Tourism, Jordi Hereu, has defended that the Government is “actively” working to resolve the crisis situations affecting several companies in Spain, such as Bimbo, Danone, Michelin, Alcoa or ArcelorMittal.
A current of reindustrialization
In an interview with Antena 3, Hereu explained that the Executive is “very much on top of each and every one” of the cases, which have different causes, but which are inserted in a context of “presentation of many projects in all regions of Spain”.
The head of Industry has affirmed that the general framework is of “many more positive projects than the crisis management that the Government is tackling, one after the other”.
Hereu has denied that there is a wave of deindustrialization in the country and has maintained that what is there is a “current of reindustrialization”, which involves changes and adaptations to the new economic and technological scenario.
Relevant cases
Nevertheless, Hereu has recognized that “the cases that are very important must be dealt with”, such as that of Alcoa in Galicia or that of ArcelorMittal in Asturias, which affect strategic sectors and many workers.
In the case of the steel company, Hereu said that the company “is vital for Asturias and for Spain” and that the Government is in contact with it to guarantee compliance with the investment commitments it undertook.
The Minister of Industry has also pointed out that the crises “many times come from international contexts of low demand and not from the lack of competitiveness of these industrial centers”.
Hereu has assured that the Government is “actively” working with companies and unions so that “all these elements are resolved favorably and we will always defend industrial projects”.