Inici » Eating sustainably: Opportunities for a greener future

Eating sustainably: Opportunities for a greener future


A look at the ‘Eat, Act, Impact’ exhibition

During a talk organized by the environmental group La Revolta, the environmentalist Carles Xifra inaugurated the exhibition ‘Eat, Act, Impact’ in the Els Pagesos room. This exhibition, curated by Xifra and presented with the aim of raising awareness among the citizens of Sant Feliu, highlights the opportunities we have to eat more sustainably and reduce our impact on the environment.

The challenge of climate change

Carles Xifra highlighted the impact of the Anthropocene, which began in 1950, as a turning point in the ability of humans to transform the planet. This transformation is reflected in the increase in energy consumption, the world population, the production of plastics and fertilizers, as well as the destruction of forests. In addition, he referred to planetary limits exceeded, such as climate change and the loss of biodiversity, according to studies by the Stockholm Resilience Center.

The role of food in the climate crisis

Xifra highlighted the relationship between food and the climate crisis, warning about future food insecurity and the role of the food system in this problem. The exhibition proposes solutions to deal with this situation, including the reduction of food waste and the promotion of diets based on vegetable protein as a starting point towards a more sustainable future.

Specific challenges and proposals

The exhibition exposes the need to reduce food waste, reduce the consumption of animal protein and bet on local and seasonal foods. In addition, it emphasizes the reduction of ultra-processed foods and the decrease in the use of packaging and plastics, all with the aim of reducing the environmental impact of our food.

Conclusions and future actions

After the talk, attendees reflected on the data presented and possible individual and collective actions to address the climate crisis. La Revolta also announced an outing to visit the exhibition in Prat de Llobregat during the month of May, inviting all those interested to join the project for a more sustainable future.

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