Inici » A story of love and courage in difficult times

A story of love and courage in difficult times

tres dones es posen juntes per a una foto davant d'un edifici amb una paret groga al darrere i una porta groga, Art Brenner, kodachrome, una foto acolorida, hiperrealisme

The discovery of an inspiring story

Eight years ago, on a sleepless night, África Alonso (Barcelona, ​​1995) came across a headline that would change her life. The love story between Isabel and Carmen, two teachers who defied the difficulties of living her relationship in the midst of Franco’s era, captured her attention and inspired her to turn it into her first play, ‘Una llum timid’. This moving story has become a successful musical that has toured Valencia and Madrid, and has been captured in a book of the same name published in Catalan with the Empúries publishing house and in Spanish with Seix Barral.

A brave and revealing love story

The story of ‘Una llum timid’ is a story of brave, sensitive and intimate love, inspired by real events. This exciting drama seeks to break the silence and vindicate the lives of lesbians as part of the country’s historical memory. The play, performed at the Condal theater in Barcelona, ​​has captivated the public with its emotional narrative.

The documentation and creation process

Alonso immersed himself in the story by contacting a former student of Isabel and visiting the town where they lived. This immersive experience allowed him to deeply understand the era and the lives of the protagonists, which enriched the plot of his work. Although the story has a play as its starting point, Alonso took the opportunity to expand the universe of the characters, offering a deep portrait of their environment and challenges.

The importance of recovering historical memory

Alonso highlights the relevance of rescuing stories like that of Isabel and Carmen, which represent anonymous people whose lives challenge the norms of society. These stories, often silenced, are fundamental to understanding the country’s historical memory and recognizing the struggle and suffering of those who lived in difficult times.

Reflections on the present and isolation

Alonso points out that, despite progress, isolation still persists within the LGTBIQ+ community. The work and the book seek to make these realities visible, promoting empathy and understanding in today’s society.

The impact and reactions of the public

The work has generated diverse reactions in the public, from intense emotions to deep reflections. Alonso highlights the importance of these stories to raise awareness in society and foster empathy towards diverse realities.

The future of the work and new projects

Despite the success, the play comes to an end at the Condal theatre, but Alonso prepares for the launch of the book and the possible dissemination of the documentary. Additionally, he plans to embark on writing a new novel, continuing his work of giving voice to meaningful stories.

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