Inici » La Ganxeta: A Year of Sustainable Mobility in Reus

La Ganxeta: A Year of Sustainable Mobility in Reus

El servicio de bicis compartidas de Reus, la Ganxeta, ha experimentado un importante crecimiento desde su puesta en marcha el 30 de enero de 2024, consolidándose como una alternativa sostenible y práctica de movilidad urbana, según informa el consistorio. Hasta la fecha se han realizado más de 83.000 viajes, con un total de 3.250 usuarios activos. El proceso de validación de los usuarios se completa en un plazo de 24 horas, lo que facilita una rápida incorporación al servicio. Sandra Guaita, alcaldesa(8k, mejor calidad, obra maestra, muy detallado:1.1)

A Success in Urban Mobility

Since its inauguration on January 30, 2024, the Reus shared bike system, known as La Ganxeta, has seen a notable increase in its use. With more than 83,000 registered trips and 3,250 active users, this service has become a viable and ecological option for mobility in the city, as pointed out by the city council.

Fast Integration and Accessibility

The registration process is agile, with validation being completed in less than 24 hours, thus making it easier for more people to access the service without complications.

A Vision of the Future

The mayor of Reus, Sandra Guaita, has expressed that this project is an important step towards a more sustainable city. “We are moving towards a greener and healthier Reus, and La Ganxeta is an example of the city’s commitment to sustainable mobility,” she highlighted.

Usage Patterns and Preferences

Bicycle use is predominantly functional, with an average trip time of around 7 minutes, suitable for short trips. Weekdays, particularly between Tuesday and Friday, are the most active.

Most Popular Stations

The busiest stations to start trips include Oques, Sant Jordi, Renfe station, Jardins de Reus and the Xavier Amorós Central Library. On the other hand, the most requested destinations are Greco, Jardins de Reus, Mas Iglesias, Santa Anna and Gandhi.

User Profile

The majority of users are young, with 37% between the ages of 20 and 30, followed by the 30-39 and 40-49 age groups. Surprisingly, only 6% of users are over 60, a similar figure to the 14-20 age group. In addition, 65% of users are male.

Network Expansion

Over the next year and a half, more than ten new stations are expected to be added to the network. The first two stations to be implemented will be in Roser (Vilallonga Street) and Carrilet (Avinguda del Carrilet).

Expansion Plans

By 2026, the infrastructure is expected to be expanded with eight new stations, although the implementation schedule is pending tender. Potential locations include Av. de Riudoms, Raval de Martí Folguera, Horts de Miró and other strategic areas.

Special Birthday Promotions

To celebrate the first anniversary of the service, a discount code, “GANXETA2025”, has been launched, which allows users to enjoy free trips between January 30 and February 28. Daniel Marcos, president of Reus Mobilitat i Serveis, commented that this initiative seeks to encourage the use of the service among the more than 6,000 registered users.

Commitment to the Community

During the first year, La Ganxeta has collaborated with various community activities to promote sustainable mobility, such as the Women’s Race and Mobility Week, demonstrating an active commitment to citizenship.

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