Inici » Puigdemont’s Political Labyrinth: An Uncertain Future

Puigdemont’s Political Labyrinth: An Uncertain Future

Este jueves 16 y mañana viernes, Puigdemont se juega el resto de su credibilidad entre sus seguidores, pues en el bando independentista parece que la perdió hace tiempo. El motivo es muy concreto: hoy la Mesa del Congreso decidirá si acepta o no la Proposición No de Ley (PNL) que obliga a Sánchez a presentar una moción de confianza en el Congreso. Las cartas parecen jugadas de antemano, porque la portavoz del Gobierno, Pilar Alegría, ya ha dejado claro que no lo hará.

Puigdemont’s Challenge before the Congressional Bureau

This Thursday, Carles Puigdemont finds himself at a crucial moment in his political career. The Congressional Bureau will have to decide whether to accept for processing a non-legislative proposal that asks President Sánchez to submit to a vote of confidence. The situation is delicate, as the Minister Spokesperson, Pilar Alegría, has made it clear that there are no reasons for such a vote.

A Government with a Majority: Consequences for Together

With a clear majority in Congress, made up of representatives of the PSOE, Sumar and PP, the vote seems destined to be unfavorable for Puigdemont. This dynamic not only reflects his diminished influence, but also highlights the complex relationship between him and the Government, which depends on Junts votes to remain stable.

The Future of Negotiation: Uncertainty and Discontent

Puigdemont has hinted that he could end the meetings in Switzerland, which have been shrouded in mystery and lack of transparency. Details about the mediator and progress in the negotiations are scarce, raising doubts about the viability of an agreement.

Potential Post-Negotiation Scenarios

The interruption of the dialogue could trigger a series of events that would include everything from a radical rupture to Sánchez’s need to seek support to approve the budget, a challenge that could result in a second year without approval.

Pending Agreements: Expectations and Realities

Several commitments between the Government and Puigdemont remain incomplete. This includes the management of immigration policy and the personal security of former presidents, which have not yet been finalized. Inaction on these fronts is becoming an obstacle to their credibility.

A Complicated Solution

One option would be for the Bureau to approve the motion, but without reaching a vote. This could be perceived as a deception, as Puigdemont is looking for tangible support, not just a symbolic gesture.

Junqueras and His Own Difficulty

At the same time, Oriol Junqueras faces a similar challenge. His credibility has been eroded, and with the approval of the Generalitat’s budgets at stake, the situation becomes more complicated. The results of previous negotiations have not been satisfactory, which adds pressure to both leaders.

Final Reflection: The Need for Change

The lack of motivation that prevails in the independence movement and the instability of the governments in both Madrid and Catalonia indicate that the current situation is not sustainable. Both governments are forced to constantly negotiate to stay afloat, which may lead to the need for early elections. The voice of the people could be the solution to an increasingly confusing political landscape.

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