Inici » Results of the Elections Abroad of the Parliament of Catalonia

Results of the Elections Abroad of the Parliament of Catalonia

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Participation and Results

Voting abroad (CERA) has not had a significant impact on the results of the elections in the Parliament of Catalonia on May 12. Despite an increase in turnout, the results of voting abroad have similarly reflected the distribution of votes in Catalonia.

The Socialist Party of Catalonia (PSC) has remained the dominant force abroad, with 5,433 votes, closely followed by Junts per Catalunya with 4,766 votes. In total, the participation of 7.05% of voters residing abroad and registered in the Electoral Census of Absent Residents represents a significant increase compared to previous elections.

The Popular Party (PP) has obtained 2,415 votes, surpassing Esquerra Republicana (ERC) which obtained 2,401 votes. The Comuns Sumar have experienced a substantial change by obtaining 1,533 votes, surpassing Vox which received 1,180 votes. The CUP has obtained 340 votes of support, while the Recortes 0 candidacy has surpassed Alhora and Aliança Catalana.

The results of the vote abroad have reflected the distribution of votes by district, where the PSC has won in Barcelona, ​​Tarragona, and Lleida, while Junts has prevailed in Girona. At a global level, the sum of unionist parties has surpassed support for pro-independence parties, marking a significant change compared to previous elections.

Controversy in Lleida

In the Lleida constituency, the external vote has generated controversy, since, according to Government sources, the electoral board has validated a participation of 7.05%, despite the fact that 8.23% had been announced. Jeannine Abella, head of the Junts per Catalunya list in Lleida, has denounced that 20% of the previous vote of Lleida residents living abroad was declared unscrutable and excluded from the count due to alleged formal errors.

The results of the CERA vote in Lleida reflected a distribution similar to that of Catalonia, without altering the number of seats. However, the unionist vote has surpassed the sovereignist vote, marking a significant change from the previous elections.

The controversy in Lleida intensified due to the exclusion of 20% of the previous vote of Lleida residents living abroad, which has generated criticism and complaints about alleged violations of rights.

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