A new educational era in Reus
The Department of Education and Professional Training of the Generalitat, together with the Reus City Council, have launched a pioneering project to restructure the city’s educational zoning. This initiative, which will be implemented from the pre-registration process for the 2025-2026 academic year, seeks to combat school segregation and promote a more equitable distribution of students between educational centers.
A commitment to diversity
The creation of these educational zones is one of the highlights of the Pact against School Segregation in Catalonia, signed in 2019. This document, which includes the collaboration of all municipalities with more than 10,000 inhabitants, recognizes the importance of ensuring balanced schooling that integrates vulnerable students within the same areas. Decree 11/2021, which regulates the educational offer, specifies criteria that must be followed in the formation of these zones.
Zoning criteria
Among the aspects that must be taken into account, the need to ensure a heterogeneous social composition, the availability of school places, an adequate geographical distribution of centers and the guarantee of educational plurality, including both public and private options, stands out.
Improvements in school inclusion
A recent report from the Catalan Ombudsman reveals that between 2018 and 2023, Reus has experienced significant progress in the dissimilarity index, an indicator that shows the social diversity of educational centers. This positive trend is reflected in both primary education and ESO.
How the new zones will work
The new zoning model will replace the old pre-registration system. Starting next school year, families with children already enrolled in school will have priority for enrollment in the same school. The city has been divided into four educational zones, each with its assigned schools.
Educational areas of Reus
The zones include:
– Zone A: Cèlia Artiga, Els Ganxets, Joan Rebull, Montsant, Mowgli, Pompeu Fabra, La Presentació, Maria Cortina.
– Zone B: Doctor Alberich i Casas, General Prim, Misericòrdia, Prat de la Riba, Teresa Miquel i Pàmies, Maria Rosa Molas, Pare Manyanet.
– Zone C: Eduard Toda, Isabel Besora, Marià Fortuny, Rosa Sensat, Sant Bernat Calvó, Arce, La Salle, Puigcerver.
– Zone D: La Vitxeta, Pi del Burgar, Rubió i Ors, Sant Josep, Sant Pau.
Future projection
According to sources from the Department of Education, the details of this new zoning will be announced in the coming weeks through the DOGC. Interested families can find more information on the Reus City Council website, where it is hoped that this initiative will contribute to a more inclusive and diversified educational future for all students.